The memorandum is not an ultimatum, says Kiril Petkov - I understand for you "Elections 2 in 1" are logial end of the non-colaition, counters Borissov

The memorandum is not an ultimatum, we propose to reach an understanding. If we all agree, it makes sense for the next administration.

This was stated by the co-chairman of We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB) Kiril Petkov in the parliament, reported BGNES.

On Tuesday, the union offered its non-coalition partners GERB-SDS a memorandum outlining the country's governance for the next nine months.

At the beginning of today's plenary day at the Bulgarian National Assembly, Borisov rejected it by saying that Maria Gabriel read the first sentences to him on the phone, and the chairman of the PG of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms Delian Peevski commented on it with the expression "exotically tampering with the state".

The opposition, in the face of Kornelia Ninova, said that what was written confirmed the essence of the "loose-fit coalition" to distribute posts.

We don't give anything away to GERB, it's not about "handling". In reality, we must give up control, said Kiril Petkov, referring to the chairmanship of the regulatory bodies.

At the moment, the head of the CPC is the mother of an MP from GERB. We want the regulators to be associated with independent people who have passed an integrity check and are not politically tinged, Petkov said.

According to him, the only way to change is for people to feel that no politician, son, mother, or anyone else is influencing the decisions made.

Petkov continued and urged:
Mr. Borisov should have the courage to hand over control and for these institutions and organizations to become independent. The entire Bulgarian people and our external partners expect Bulgaria to become an institutional state.

"The memorandum is a proposal for negotiations and is a kind of political offer," WCC-DB co-chair Anatas Atanasov said in parliament, BGNES reported. "We give a political offer, if there is no agreement - there will be elections", he added.

According to Atanasov, both WCC-DB and GERB-SDS should negotiate in a calm environment about "how power will be exercised after the rotation" and he was adamant that they do not set any red lines.

"I have not received any memorandum and I have not read it," said GERB leader Boyko Borisov, addressing his colleagues from the WCC-DB as an "immature" political party, reported BGNES.

"Such an approach is immature. Such a document is prepared by a working committee and when it is ready it is given for signature."

Borisov reads the WCC-DB proposal as a division of the state. "50 to 50 - on everything, at the same time the entire Council of Ministers remains theirs," said Boyko Borisov.

The independent regulators are independent, they are not divided between Borisov and Petkov. We are categorically not inclined to accept the proposal of WCC-DB, said Borisov. /BGNES